Individual Coaching

Individual coaching sessions

I’ll meet you virtually in a one-to-one meeting where we’ll talk, get to know each other a little, and work together to go after your dreams, or discover what they are, and find joy along the way.

If you’re in Kalamazoo, Michigan and/or Kalamazoo County, email me at to discuss meeting in person.

If you’re in the Kalamazoo area, kids 12-17 can meet with me for in-person ADHD coaching.

Before we start working together, we need to have a quick chat to see if we’re a good fit. You can discover how you feel talking to me, share your concerns, ask any questions. It’s a good idea to talk with a few coaches before choosing one.

Please schedule a free Discovery Call before booking a session with me.

Click the button above or send an email to me at

Let’s talk.

Executive Functioning

Are you feeling overwhelmed? Is chaos winning? I can help you find balance and momentum to move forward. We’ll work on structures, strategies, and tools to help you manage your executive functioning.

Empowerment & Understanding

Learning to advocate for ourselves begins with discovering what we need. Awareness is the key to empowerment. Coaching is all about raising awareness, whether that’s learning to pay attention to our bodies, noticing what triggers our metldowns and shutdowns, or learning what our boundaries are and how to protect them. If you’re not sure what your wants and needs are yet, coaching can help. Use our sessions for verbal processing to gain awareness and insight, or brainstorm with me to come up with strategies for communication and navigating situations in a way that is comfortable and safe for you.


The mask is painful. The mask is also our friend. In coaching, we’ll work together to get to know your authentic self, to find the voice that needs to speak, and to recognize when it’s appropriate to mask. It’s necessary to mask sometimes, but it’s also vital to know when and how we’re masking so we can honor our true, beautiful selves.

This site is under construction. Please email if you’re interested in more information on the ideas below.


$50.00 for one Individual coaching session (45 minutes - 60 minutes)

Sliding Scale Fees

Please pay the regular fee (above) if you meet the following criteria: comfortably able to meet your basic* needs; may have some debt but it does not prohibit attainment of basic needs; own your home or property OR I rent a higher-end property; own or lease a car; employed or do not need to work to meet my needs; have regular access to health care; have access to financial savings; have an expendable income; can always buy new items; can afford an annual vacation or take time off

Sliding Scale Fees

If you meet these criteria: may stress about meeting my basic needs but still manage; may have some debt but it does not prohibit attainment of basic needs; own or lease a car; employed; have access to health care; might have some financial savings; have some expendable income; can buy some new items & I thrift others; can take a vacation annually or every few years

$35 per session

If you meet these criteria: frequently stress about meeting basic needs & don’t always meet them; have debt that sometimes prohibits me from meeting my basic needs; rent lower-end properties or have unstable housing; do not have a car and/or not always able to afford gas or easy access to public transit; unemployed or underemployed; qualify for government assistance including food stamps & health care; no access to savings; no or limited expendable income; rarely buy new items because of inability to afford them; cannot afford a vacation or have the ability to take time off without financial burden

$20 per individual coaching session

*Basic needs: food, housing, transportation, home health and hygiene needs

*Expendable income: ability to buy a cup of coffee, attend sporting events or concerts, entertainment and home electronics, etc.

This scale is based on the equitable sliding scale by Worts and Cumming. I may adapt this scale over time as I continue to research and learn about equitable income and pricing.


If you can’t afford my lowest price, maybe we can barter. I need help for all kinds of things, so please let me know if you have a skill, service, or product you’d be willing to exchange for coaching.

Some examples I can think of off the top of my head are original art, construction/remodeling, help with landscape design, proofreading, virtual assistant services. If you have an idea, let’s talk about it.

Group Coaching: Coming Soon

Group coaching is a good way to get coaching services at a lower cost to you, and to meet others like you in the process. Because I’m still a student, my individual coaching prices are so low that I’m not offering group coaching at this time.

If you’re interested in group coaching, please subscribe to my newsletter (below). You can be that I’ll send a newsletter to announce when the first group coaching session is here.


Free Workshop: ADHD & Hormones

Coming Soon (ETA May 2024)

This webinar will inform you on the ways in which ADHD is affected by hormones throughout life. I’m presenting it with my friend and colleague, Lauren Shaman.

Contact me at if you want to receive the invitation to this workshop that focuses on the latest research on women’s hormones, ADHD, and the cycles of life.

Past Events

Free Workshop: ADHD & Hormones

January 20th at 2:00 p.m. ET

This webinar will inform you on the ways in which ADHD is affected by hormones throughout life. I’m presenting it with my friend and colleague, Lauren Shaman.