ADHD Coaching
Late-diagnosed adults
College Students
I’m still working on this site. Sorry it’s such a mess. Go to “Services” to see my prices. Go to “Contact Me” to let me know if you’d like a free discovery call. Go to “About Me” if you’re like, Who is this lady? I’m going to be making some changes here, so you can skip it if you want.
Learning you have an ADHD brain later in life comes with a lot to process. There is so much to learn about ADHD and how to thrive by working with and for our unique brains. My coaching practice also comes with education. If you need it, I will teach you what I know about how ADHD affects us all. As a coach, I will listen to you if you need to verbally process what your ADHD means to you, and we will work with you to come up with the skills and strategies specific to your unique needs.
College Students
College has enough challenges. You don’t have to face college with your ADHD brain alone. I can help you navigate the administration, work with your professors, and come up with strategies and tools for doing your best in your academic journey.
Group Coaching & Workshops
Stay tuned for information about group coaching opportunities and workshops.
Coming soon: Slipper Boots: the self-care “slipper” camp.
Book a free discovery call.
I’ll answer your questions about me and about coaching. There’s no obligation, no pressure. Let’s get to know each other and find out if we’re a good fit.

“We have to welcome, accommodate, and support a wider range of ‘normal',’ and only then will we benefit from the extraordinary difference these minds can bring.”
—Roxanne Hobbs